Tips and Tricks for Aluminium Joinery Maintenance | Omega BOP
Upgrade Your Home with Omega Windows + Doors BOP.

October 4, 2022

One of the many benefits of aluminium joinery is that it’s designed to look good and be easy to maintain. It’s a very robust building material that’s capable of lasting decades without the need for any significant repair. Looking after your windows and doors not only keeps them in good condition, it will maximise their life and performance, and maintain product warranties. To keep your aluminium windows or doors looking their best and standing the test of time follow the tricks, tips and steps below.

How much maintenance is required?

Due to aluminium’s tough and sturdy function, not a lot of maintenance is required. This is often a huge drawcard when choosing aluminium over timber windows and doors. To maintain the best finish of your aluminium joinery cleaning should take place around twice a year. Though if your home, office or building is in an environment where the weather elements are harsher, such as beachfront properties or any industrial areas where environmental debis can build up - you may want to consider a quarterly maintenance schedule.

What shouldn't I do?

Before you start cleaning it’s good to know what you shouldn’t do, to avoid any common mistakes that may cause damage to your joinery. Even though aluminium is very robust, never use aggressive solvent cleaners on the material. When cleaning, also be sure to use wet sponges, soft brushes and cloths, rather than abrasive pads such as steel wool or scapers to avoid scratching the surface. It’s also safest to avoid the use of any solvents near the joints or if there are any plastic components. Finally, once you’ve finished cleaning with a solvent ensure that it’s thoroughly washed off all surfaces.

What are the maintenance steps?

  1. Clean and remove any tough dirt or dust with a wet sponge or cloth
  2. Use a soft brush, cloth or sponge and a mild standard detergent with warm water and clean all surfaces thoroughly
  3. Rinse everything off with fresh clean water
  4. If there’s any weathering, marks or scratches you can restore them with a repair kit
  5. If you’re maintaining a sliding door, or if your window is stiff it’s a good idea to use a joinery lubricant
  6. If you’re maintaining and refurbishing a powder coated product you can polish with a speciality cream
  7. And finally, clean the glass on your windows too

Is there anything else I need to know?

To make sure your joinery stays in the best possible condition remove all debris from tracks, especially on roller tracks or joints of sliding doors. If this area isn’t well-cleaned corrosion can occur. You can simply use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust and wipe over with a soft cloth and soapy water. Joinery lubricants will keep key cylinders, hinges and locks in good working order. It’s also a good tip when cleaning to start from the top and work your way down.

Want to know more about how to best look after your aluminium joinery or find out what joinery is best for you? Contact Omega BOP today.

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